Franka ROS Interface

Release ROS Version Python 2.7+, 3.6+

A ROS interface library for the Franka Emika Panda robot (real and simulated), extending the franka_ros to expose more information about the robot, and providing low-level control of the robot using ROS and Python API.

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Provides utilites for controlling and managing the Franka Emika Panda robot (real and simulated). Contains exposed controllers for the robot (joint position, velocity, torque), interfaces for the gripper, controller manager, coordinate frames interface, etc. Also provides utilities to control the robot using MoveIt! and ROS Trajectory Action & ActionClient. This package also provides almost complete sim-to-real / real-to-sim transfer of code with the Panda Simulator package.

A more unified ROS Python interface built over this package is available in the PandaRobot package, which provides a more intuitive interface class that combines the different API classes in this package. Simple demo and basic usage are also shown.


  • Low-level controllers (joint position, velocity, torque, impedance) available that can be controlled through ROS topics and Python API (including position control for gripper).
  • Real-time robot state (end-effector state, joint state, controller state, etc.) available through ROS topics and Python API.
  • Python API for managing controllers, coordinate frames, collision behaviour, controlling and monitoring the gripper.
  • Python API classes and utility functions to control the robot using MoveIt! and ROS Trajectory Action Service.
  • The Panda Simulator package (which is Gazebo-based simulator for the robot) can also be controlled using this package (ROS and Python interface), providing almost complete sim-to-real transfer of code.

Indices and tables

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Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Saif Sidhik

If you use this software for research, please considering citing using doi.